O contributo da supervisão pedagógica para a melhoria da qualidade do processo de ensino

Understanding how teachers learn to teach and how they develop professionally, in order to help them become better teachers and im prove the quality of education are major concerns amongst institutions responsible for teacher education. We now realize the professional experiences teachers undergo during their career are a major contribute to enlarge their professional knowledge and skills. Supervising is one of the experiences we believe can have great impact in teachers’ professional development. The aim of our research was to understand the representations that the cooperating teachers from Primary Schools have of their supervisory experience and understand the impact that this experience may have had on their professional growth. Given these goals, we chose a descriptive study and an interpretative and qualitative research methodology. The data were collected using semi-directive interviews, whose content was systematized and organized through the procedures of content analysis. The results indicate that the 20 teachers interviewed had different ways to experiment supervision. A larger group (16) represents it as not much positive, highlighting it as one of the factors that contributed to their personal and professional growth. A smaller group (4) shows a less positive view of those experiences, not giving the same relevance or impact on their professional or personal development, revealing, even, in some cases, a certain negative perspective. For most people, the supervision activity allowed to acquire/update knowledge, improve teaching and supervised practice, develop skills and attitudes, trough exchange of several experiences and materials, classroom observation, the work with trainee teachers, and the interaction with other supervisors and university professors. For the remaining individuals, obstacles and difficulties experienced in various areas (management of interpersonal relationships, institutional dialogue, and trainees’ performance) were bigger than the poor gains with the experience acquired in the acquisition/updating of knowledge or development of certain skills.

Qual a importância da supervisão escolar e da orientação educacional para a melhoria da qualidade da educação?

A supervisão escolar é responsável pelo planejamento e execução do processo educativo. Sem esse acompanhamento a instituição fica impossibilitada de atingir a melhoria do processo ensino-aprendizagem.

Qual a importância da supervisão pedagógica nas escolas?

A verdadeira importância O supervisor garante que o trabalho pedagógico seja de qualidade e voltado à ação humanizadora, tornando possível uma sociedade capaz de reinvenções e de melhorias. Esse tipo de trabalho é algo imprescindível no Brasil, visto o descaso e precariedade de ensino de muitas escolas.

Qual é o trabalho da supervisão escolar nos dias atuais?

A supervisão escolar atual deve ser lembrada como um produto genuíno da pedagogia nova, um serviço voltado a orientação do professor e na promoção de um ambiente promissor na escola, visando o desenvolvimento pleno da educação através de boas práticas pedagógicas.

Qual a importância da supervisão?

Qual a Importância da Supervisão? A Importância da Supervisão está relacionada a necessidade de direção, orientação e controle da força de trabalho com vista a ver se eles estão trabalhando de acordo com o planejado e estão cumprindo o cronograma estabelecido.