Which is true regarding “tadpole” drawings?

  • School Eastern Gateway Comuntiy College, Youngstown
  • Course Title PSY 205
  • Pages 10
  • Ratings 100% (6) 6 out of 6 people found this document helpful

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HGD Quiz Chapter 4DueNov 14 at 11:59pmPoints20Questions20AvailableNov 8 at 12am - Dec 17 at 11:59pmabout 1 monthTime Limit90 MinutesAllowed Attempts2Attempt HistoryAttemptTimeScoreLATESTAttempt 141 minutes10 out of 20Score for this attempt:10out of 20Submitted Nov 14 at 11:24pmThis attempt took 41 minutes.Take the Quiz Again0 / 1 ptsQuestion 1Which is true?children between the ages of two and six years tend to grow about 3inches in heightorrect Answerorrect Answer

children between the ages of 6 and 12 grow very littlechildren show an increased appetite between the ages of 2 and 6.the brain is about 35 percent its adult weight by three years of ageou Answeredou Answered

1 / 1 ptsQuestion 2Which is true regarding “tadpole” drawings?

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What is tadpole drawings?

Tadpole drawings are a pervasive phenomenon of children's early symbolic development (DeLoache, 2004). They are regarded as the child's first recognizable drawing of a person, consisting of a round form (head) and two vertical lines attached to it (legs).

Why do children draw tadpole people?

because children assimilate their environment to what they see and know about themselves, they will draw all humans and animals in this tadpole manner. This implies that children are more perceptually driven in their drawings from the way they see themselves and not from the way they see their environment.

What is a tadpole person?

First realistic drawing is an odd-looking human figure - known as a 'tadpole' person. To begin with the tadpole person is often rendered as one circular shape for the head, with two vertical lines for the legs, sometimes a few dots or lines are added for facial features.