Download emotional intelligence at work: learn from your emotions


This leadership course explores the meaning of various moods and emotions. We lay out effective ways to manage moods and emotions that can affect an organization. We establish the importance of a positive attitude in fostering a healthy work culture and investigate various theories of optimism.

The course then examines the ‘human capital’ theory of career engagement. We demonstrate the importance of laying out a career path within an organization to reduce turnover and increase employees’ involvement and investment. We compare career management and career engagement and explain how the ‘wheels’ of career engagement relate to individual employees.

Finally, we analyze the concept of ‘adaptability’ as an important element in managing career paths within an organization. We establish the need for adaptability and describe the organizational processes that can promote or inhibit it. This management training course shows you how to develop your social skills and effectively manage an organization filled with emotionally intelligent employees. Emotions affect worker performance and this course lays out the leadership principles that can bring out the best in you and those around you.

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How do you demonstrate emotional intelligence at work?

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence.
Observe how you react to people. ... .
Look at your work environment. ... .
Do a self-evaluation. ... .
Examine how you react to stressful situations. ... .
Take responsibility for your actions. ... .
Examine how your actions will affect others – before you take those actions..

How emotional intelligence is important in the workplace?

Researchers have suggested that emotional intelligence influences how well employees interact with their colleagues, and EQ is also thought to play a role in how workers manage stress and conflict. It also affects overall performance on the job. Other studies have linked emotional intelligence with job satisfaction.

What are the five components of emotional intelligence at work?

According to Daniel Goleman , an American psychologist who helped to popularize emotional intelligence, there are five key elements to it:.
Social skills..

What are the 3 keys to emotional intelligence?

Somatic awareness of emotion. Emotional Regulation. Recognition of emotion as an indicator of universal needs.