Uns e outros carta aos missionários

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  • 19891989
  • 4m

Uns e outros carta aos missionários

Music video for the hit single "Carta aos Missionários" by rock group Nenhum de Nós, released on their second album which goes by the group's name. Captured here are the performance from the... Read allMusic video for the hit single "Carta aos Missionários" by rock group Nenhum de Nós, released on their second album which goes by the group's name. Captured here are the performance from the band while archive images of conflicts and wars appear intertwined.Music video for the hit single "Carta aos Missionários" by rock group Nenhum de Nós, released on their second album which goes by the group's name. Captured here are the performance from the band while archive images of conflicts and wars appear intertwined.

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    Uns e outros carta aos missionários


    Great song, cheap video

    Biggest hit from the rock group Uns e Outros "Carta aos Missionários" has one of the most emblematic songs of all time when it comes to dealing with political situations and world conflicts such as war and its existence around the globe for pointless reasons. The video presents those scenarios, many images from wars, historical figures and political leaders all intertwined with the band's performance captured through a lousy and ugly chroma-key that sort of like ruins the experience of watching this. But since I'm a big fan of the track, I'm giving a positive note to it, it might have sold the song in a nice way since it became a hit in the late 1980's but it's far from being a classic video like the ones produced by MTV in the following decade. 8/10.

    • Rodrigo_Amaro
    • Sep 1, 2022

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    Uns e outros carta aos missionários

    Uns e outros carta aos missionários

    Uns e outros carta aos missionários

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    Quem escreveu carta aos missionários?

    Composição: Cal / Marcelo Hayena / Nilo Nunes.

    O que aconteceu com os integrantes do uns e outros?

    Que Fim Levou uns e outros? O show foi originalmente gravado para ser um DVD, porém, foi cancelado devido a problemas técnicos em algumas imagens e foi lançado apenas em CD em 2015. Em 2020, a banda relançou o single “Pros que Estão em Casa”, do grupo Hojerizah, de 1987.