Budgeting supports the planning process by encouraging all of the following activities except

Budgeting supports the planning process by encouraging all of the following

activities except:

b. Directing and coordinating operations during the period.

A formal written statement of management’s plans for the future, packaged in

financial terms, is a:

b. budget

Overhead allocation based solely on a measure of volume such as direct labor-


d. will systematically overcost high-volume products and undercost low-volume products

Changing a cost accounting system is likely to meet with little resistance in an

organization since it is a technical matter of little interest to individuals outside of

the accounting department.


An imposed budget is the same as participative budget.


f a firm's net income (loss) does not change as its volume changes, the firm('s)

-sales price must equal its variable costs

As projected net income increases the

-degree of operating leverage declines

A basic tenet of variable costing is that period costs should be currently

expensed. What is the rationale behind this procedure?

-Because period costs will occur whether production occurs, it is improper to allocate

these costs to production and defer a current cost of doing business

The following information regarding fixed production costs from a manufacturing

firm is available for the current year:

Fixed costs in the beginning inventory P16,000

Fixed costs incurred this period 100,000

-Using variable costing, this firm will deduct no more than P16,000 for fixed production


Absorption costing differs from variable costing in all of the following except

-treatment of variable production costs




Basic Concepts

1.The concept of “management by exception” refers to management’s consideration of

A.only those items that vary materially from expectations.

B.only rare events.

C.samples selected at random.

D.only significant unfavorable deviations.

8.A formal written statement of management’s plans for the future, packaged in financial terms,

is a:

A.Responsibility report.C.Cost of production report.

B.Performance report.D.Budget.

2.Budgets are related to which of the following management functions?


B.Performance evaluationD.all of these

22.Budgeting supports the planning process by encouraging all of the following activities except:

A.Requiring all organizational units to establish their goals for the coming period.

B.Increasing the motivation of managers and employees by providing agreed-upon


C.Improving overall decision making by considering all viewpoints, options, and cost control


D.Directing and coordinating operations during the period.

3. Which of the following advantages does a budget mostly provide?

A.Coordination is increased.

B.Planning is emphasized.

C.Communication is continuous.

D.Comparison of actual versus budgeted data.

24.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of budgeting?

A.It forces managers to plan.

B.It provides resource information that can be used to improve decision making.

C.It aids in the use of resources and employees by setting a benchmark that can be used

for the subsequent evaluation of performance.

D.It provides organizational independence.

4.Which of the following is least likely a reason why a company prepares its budget?

A.To provide a basis for comparison of actual performance

B.To communicate the company’s plans throughout the entire business organization

C.To control income and expenditure in a particular period.

D.To make sure the company expands its operations.

5.Which of the following does not contribute to an effective budgeting?

A.Top management is involved in budgeting.

B.To give each manager a free hand in the preparation of the budget, the data within the

master budget are flexible.

C.The organization is divided into responsibility units.

D.There is communication of results.

6.The budgets that are based on a very high levels of performance, like expected costs using

ideal standards,

A.assist in planning the operations of the company

B.stimulate people to perform better than they ordinarily would

C. are helpful in evaluating the performance of managers

D.can lead to low levels of performance

7.Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A.An imposed budget is the same as a participative budget.

B.Preparation of the budget would be the responsibility of each responsibility unit.

C.Top management’s support is necessary to promote budget participation.

D.The top management should review and approve each responsibility unit’s budget.

9.The primary role of the budget director and the budgeting department is to

A.Settle disputes among operating executives during the development of the annual

operating plan.

B.Develop the annual profit plan by selecting the alternatives to be adopted form the

suggestions submitted by the various operating segments.

C.Compile the budget and manage the budget process.

D.Justify the budget to the corporate planning committee of the board of directors.

10.The primary variable affecting active participation and commitment to the budget and the

control system is

A.Management efforts to achieve the budget rather than optimize results.

B.The rigid adherence to the budget without recognizing changing conditions.


What are the steps of the budgeting and planning process?

Six steps to budgeting.
Assess your financial resources. The first step is to calculate how much money you have coming in each month. ... .
Determine your expenses. Next you need to determine how you spend your money by reviewing your financial records. ... .
Set goals. ... .
Create a plan. ... .
Pay yourself first. ... .
Track your progress..

When preparing the cash budget all of the following should be considered except?

When preparing the cash budget, all the following should be considered except: Depreciation expense.

What are the elements of planning applied to budgeting?

All basic budgets have the same elements: fixed expenses, variable expenses, discretionary expenses and personal financial goals. By combining these basic components of a budget, a person can create a simple monthly budget.

Which of the following is considered a financial budget as opposed to an operating budget?

The answer is b. A financial budget is a budget that is related to the company's balance sheet, which includes the cash budget. Sales budgets and direct labor budgets are operating budgets, not financial budgets. The marginal expenditure budget is not one of the master budgets.


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