Bottle of enchanting recipe

XP is a valuable commodity in Minecraft. It comes organically from killing mobs (or players), making trades with villagers and disenchanting items primarily. It's used for enchanting items, which is very important to progressing in the game.

There's also one other method of acquiring XP, though it's a bit more difficult to come by. Bottles o' Enchanting are essentially free XP for players. Here's the complete guide on that item in Minecraft.

Bottles o' Enchanting: A complete guide to the Minecraft item

A Bottle o' Enchanting is an item that can be acquired in a few ways. When it is obtained, players can throw it on the ground and collect the XP. They can also throw it at other players like a splash potion if they want to give them the XP.

Bottle of enchanting recipe

There are only four ways to acquire Bottles o' Enchanting in Bedrock Edition. For Java Edition players, that number drops to just three. For both versions of Minecraft, the cleric villager will give one Bottle O' Enchanting for three emeralds as their level five, or master level, trade.

This is a 100% occurrence. Master level clerics cannot trade anything else. To get a cleric, Minecraft players can place a brewing stand near a jobless villager. Unless it is a nitwit, it will pick that up as its job.

Bottle of enchanting recipe
Cleric villagers will trade a Bottle o' Enchanting at their master level. Image via Minecraft

The other ways of acquiring it come from in-game loot. For Java Edition, it can be found in a Pillager Outpost or a shipwreck. It spawns with a 60.9% chance at the outpost and a 14.1% chance in the shipwreck.

I held the bottle o' enchanting and it glitches out and did it automatically so I got to like level 50 easy.

For Bedrock Edition, it can also spawn in a Pillager Outpost or a Shipwreck with the same percentages for each one. Bedrock players have the added benefit of an 11.8% chance of it spawning treasure, for which a map can be discovered in a shipwreck, too.

God rank and above now have access to the command /Bottle which converts your exp to Bottle O' Enchanting!

When thrown, Bottles o' Enchanting will drop 3-11 XP, which makes more of an impact the lower a player's level is initially.

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  • #1 Aug 17, 2017


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    Bottle of enchanting recipe

    • Tree Puncher
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    Have you ever asked yourself' "Why can't there be a crafting recipe for XP Bottles?", or "7 Emeralds for 1 XP Bottle? That's expensive!"? Well, you've come to the right place.

    So, what if Bottles' o' Enchanting could be craftable by using a Splash Water Bottle, 2 Redstone, Glowstone Dust, and a Ghast Tear all in an Armor Stand-like pose for an XP Bottle! That's not too expensive! You'll still have a lot of Glowstone left, but it'll also keep you going back to the Nether to kill some more Ghasts!

    I'd say it's pretty nice. What do you think?


    • Bottle of enchanting recipe


    • Bottle of enchanting recipe


  • #3 Aug 17, 2017


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    Bottle of enchanting recipe

    • Tree Puncher
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    I think it's a bad idea, because we'd be able to exploit it, instead of bothering with (really very interesting) mob farms for exp.

    It's not too difficult to farm Ghast tears (like, thousands per hour).

    How could you exploit the recipe? Sure you could farm Ghasts, but they drop their tears probably about half of the time, and you would have to find a good area to fight it. Not to mention you would still have to have a Splash Bottle, as well as Redstone & Glowstone.

    (Also, thousands per hour?)

  • #6 Aug 20, 2017


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    Bottle of enchanting recipe

    • Diamond Miner
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    Instead of giving XP bottles a recipe, why not buff them so that they can be actually useful when trading for them with Villagers?

    Example: Instead of dropping regular XP orbs, an XP bottle will drop 3 to 5 special orbs that gives you an entire level of XP. That seems like a much better trade for 3-11 emeralds. (It would be handy to keep a bunch of these around your enchanting table when you want to enchant several pieces of equipment.)

    My avatar is a texture from a small block game I made in Python. It's not very good and it probably won't work if you install it.

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  • #7 Aug 20, 2017


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    Bottle of enchanting recipe

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    Instead of giving XP bottles a recipe, why not buff them so that they can be actually useful when trading for them with Villagers?

    Agreed. XP bottles are nearly useless, especially given their high price (4 emeralds or something). Even with the (arguably) cheaper recipe, the price is still (in most cases) still not worth it. Grinding mobs is just 100x more efficient.

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  • #8 Aug 20, 2017


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    Bottle of enchanting recipe

    • Diamond Miner
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    Agreed. XP bottles are nearly useless, especially given their high price (4 emeralds or something). Even with the (arguably) cheaper recipe, the price is still (in most cases) still not worth it. Grinding mobs is just 100x more efficient.

    I actually got to the point where I made an XP farm using a Zombie Spawner dungeon. If I don't, it takes forever to get enough levels the way I play. (I mostly stay in Peaceful and sometimes switch to Easy, because I prefer collecting materials and building with them rather than constantly needing to sleep or fight off mobs.)

    If the XP Bottle gave you multiple levels, and was just a tad cheaper (maybe more like 2-5 emeralds instead of 3-11?) then this would be a lifesaver.

    My avatar is a texture from a small block game I made in Python. It's not very good and it probably won't work if you install it.

    I'm very alone in my Minecraft worlds as I don't have a very good internet connection to run a server. If you're like me, you might be interested in my Posse mod suggestion.

  • #9 Aug 21, 2017

    Personally, I think that using (automated) farms to write off a suggestion as unbalanced should not be allowed because the game should be balanced around not using them; many times they border on the same level as using cheats to give yourself items or XP (I have never used any farms myself other than basic manually harvested crop farms and the like).

    As for bottles o' enchanting, even the 2-4 bottles per emerald that you could get prior to 1.8 never made me think they were worthwhile and the huge price increase (by a factor of at least 6 and up to 44 times!) made them all but worthless; I gain more than 5,000 XP in a typical play session spent caving, equivalent to an average of 357 bottles, which would require at least 90 emeralds even prior to 1.8 - and up to nearly 4,000 since then. You can buy diamond gear, which is otherwise nonrenewable (discounting extremely rare mob drops) for a fraction of the pre-1.8 cost! Or put another way, Mojang thinks that one skeleton (which drops an average of 7 XP, the same as a bottle o' enchanting) is worth as many as 11 emeralds - or 3 diamonds and a level 5-19 enchantment (9-12 emeralds gets you an enchanted diamond axe)? Not to mention that trading gives you XP; buying 4,000 emeralds would give you quite a lot (in fact, if they are willing to breed they give 8-11 XP, more than a bottle o' enchanting gives!).

    Their only advantage is the ability to store XP for later use, which Mojang really seems to be against (unlike items you can only reclaim a fraction of the XP lost on death, amplified by changes to leveling up and enchanting costs in 1.8), but you can do the same if you use Silk Touch on ores so you can mine them for XP later on, or have a bunch of furnaces and only unload them when you need XP, breed and kill a bunch of animals, and so on.

  • #11 Aug 21, 2017

    Do you ever leave a 1-wide gap to kill a spider? Maybe even on a dungeon, right?

    So is that 'cheating' too? Where do you draw the line?

    BTW, diamond armour is renewable; they're in end cities.

    Anything that puts you in a position to kill an endless stream of mobs that move into position to be killed easily at no risk to the player. So exploiting the terrain to kill a single mob? Wouldn't apply since the stream isn't endless. But as soon as you set up a delivery system for mobs or do it near a Spawner where they will aggro you and get stuck. That is typically where that particular line is drawn.

    I don't like the idea, mainly because even without a grinder you will be getting more XP from farming materials to make these bottles than the actual bottle will give you. It is easier and actually probably safer to just kill Zombies rather than try and farm these items. It would be better if the trade was reverted to be a few bottles for an Emerald as it was before 1.8

  • #13 Aug 21, 2017

    Have you ever asked yourself' "Why can't there be a crafting recipe for XP Bottles?", or "7 Emeralds for 1 XP Bottle? That's expensive!"? Well, you've come to the right place.

    So, what if Bottles' o' Enchanting could be craftable by using a Splash Water Bottle, 2 Redstone, Glowstone Dust, and a Ghast Tear all in an Armor Stand-like pose for an XP Bottle! That's not too expensive! You'll still have a lot of Glowstone left, but it'll also keep you going back to the Nether to kill some more Ghasts!

    I'd say it's pretty nice. What do you think?

    The problem here is, by the time you get the ingredients, you'd already earn more experience than a bottle will give you. It's also worth noting that many villager trades are only worthwhile after you have Looting and Fortune enchanted items, but only if you can't farm the XP for faster by then. If you get four emeralds from one emerald ore, the cheaper XP trade will not disappoint.

  • #15 Aug 21, 2017

    The effort required to get emerald from ore is ridiculous.

    You can get a bunch of emeralds by farming potato/wheat/carrots for a few minutes.

    Even with no automation at all, a few 9x9 carrot-farms... OK, so it takes a short time to grow, but they'll each get you stacks of carrots, which sell for about 3 ems per stack; far faster than getting emerald ore.

    Maybe my point of view is narrowed, but my base is built in an extreme hills biome with many large cave systems. Finding emeralds is easy if you have the mountains to find them in. I can find two to three emerald ores in the time it takes eighty-one carrots to grow (though said carrots will grow just as fast as six, by chance's favour).

  • #17 Aug 21, 2017

    The effort required to get emerald from ore is ridiculous.

    You can get a bunch of emeralds by farming potato/wheat/carrots for a few minutes.

    Even with no automation at all, a few 9x9 carrot-farms... OK, so it takes a short time to grow, but they'll each get you stacks of carrots, which sell for about 3 ems per stack; far faster than getting emerald ore.

    I fully agree; even with as much caving as I've done in my first world I've only found slightly more than 2,000 emerald ore in more than 113 real-time days of gameplay (the majority of which has been spent caving) - less than one emerald ore per hour - that's how rare emerald ore is, albeit I've explored in every biome, not just in Extreme Hills, where I find more emerald than diamond but not much more and still only 4-5 per hour (for comparison, I've mined more than 1.8 million of all ores, making emerald around 0.11% of all ores mined. In a recent modded world I found even less emerald, just 0.0242% of all ores (92 out of 380,131), which may reflect what you might get in a 1.7+ world with mainly warm/hot biomes near spawn).

    Here is a map to give you an idea of just how large of an area I had to cover to find just 2,000 emerald ore - the world is more than 6000x6000 blocks with most of the underground explored (only explored caves are shown) - and a "large" cave system in 1.7+ is only an average cave system at best in 1.6.4 (I've mined more than 16,000 resources from a single large cave system or complex of multiple intersecting mineshafts):

    Bottle of enchanting recipe

    Bottle of enchanting recipe

    For comparison, I've bought well over 5,000 emeralds from trading - just by manually harvesting wheat and some other items as they grow naturally (I've mainly used wheat since I got a villager who has it as its last trade, which can be traded indefinitely in versions prior to 1.8) - and even stopped trading for more emeralds for a while because I'd accumulated 10 stacks of surplus emeralds (I use them to by diamond gear (you can buy any piece prior to 1.8 at at lower costs, especially if you don't want it to be enchanted) for repairing my gear; I started doing this mainly for fun and otherwise could easily use mined diamonds without using Fortune). I've also only been trading for about 2/3 of the lifetime of the world and I could have gotten 8,000 or more emeralds if I traded from the start. Even without "perfect" villagers it would probably be easier to get emeralds in 1.8+ thanks to more trades (wheat, carrots, and potatoes instead of just wheat; carrots and potatoes also benefit from Fortune, which doubles their net yield - and you actually need less per emerald than wheat).

    Even if I had used Fortune III to mine every emerald ore I've found (I made 122 blocks from mining them with Fortune before I started using Silk Touch) I'd still have less emeralds than I've gotten from trading (you might get 4 from a single ore but the average is 2.2, which will be very close to the average increase from 2,000 ore).

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How do you make bottles of enchanting?

Usage. A bottle o' enchanting can be thrown by pressing use. On impact, it drops experience orbs worth 3–11 (average 7.0) and sends out blue particles.

What can you do with a bottle of enchanting?

A Bottle o' Enchanting is an item that can be acquired in a few ways. When it is obtained, players can throw it on the ground and collect the XP. They can also throw it at other players like a splash potion if they want to give them the XP.