Which of the following improvement efforts is the best example of increasing the efficiency of care?

Which of the following improvement efforts is the best example ofincreasing the equity of care?(A) Decreasing adverse drug events by having a pharmacist on rounds in the intensivecare unit(B) Shortening wait times at a clinic by allowing patients to self-register on a computerin the waiting room(C) Instituting quarterly focus groups of patients seen in the emergency department tobetter identify patient concerns(D) Through staff development and weekly feedback, equalizing the likelihood that apatient will receive pain medication regardless of race, ethnicity, or education

Regarding the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM’s) six aims for health care,which of the following is true?

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Use the following scenario to answer questions 2 and 3:Michael S., a 49-year-old factory worker, goes to the hospital after developing chest painat work. Physicians quickly diagnose him with an acute myocardial infarction (heartattack), and he has successful surgery to open his blocked coronary artery. While he isrecovering in the hospital, he contracts an infection that could have been preventedthrough better infection control practices in the hospital.Which of the IOM aims has this hospital failed to meet?

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Which of the following is a basic principle of improvement quizlet?

A basic principle of improvement is that every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.

Which of the following is a trend in modern health care across industrialized nations quizlet?

Which of the following is a trend in modern health care across industrialized nations? The best answer is A and C. As medical information and technology increases, demand for complicated procedures is increasing, and providers are becoming more and more specialized (and fragmented).

Which of the following are the aims of health care as asserted by the Institute of Medicine IOM?

(3) Institute of Medicine (IOM)'s 6 Aims: Quality is SAFE, effective, patient centered, TIMELY, efficient and EQUITABLE.

When you are applying demings system of profound knowledge Which of the following statement is true?

When you are applying Deming's System of Profound Knowledge, which of the following statements is true? You can't think about any one component of the System of Profound Knowledge completely in isolation.


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