What should be done to lift the same load by applying less effort on an inclined plane

so you have a question which perform simple machines topic it says why is less effort needed to lift a load on an incline plane as compared to lifting the load directly answer is suppose this is inclined plane and this length of this and this is the height to the point of maximum elevation from the ground poses h so it is the ground as we know mechanical advantage is equal to load up on effort and in case of implied to any case of incline painted School to length of incline plane upon height

other incline trains to see from the diagram l is greater than h this implies that load is greater than four hands we can say that less effort is required to lift a load over an individual play Because mechanical advantage increases this is the answer for this question students thank you listening

The inclined plane

An inclined plane is a flat surface set at an angle. The mechanical advantage of an inclined plane is generally high so it is easier to lift or move heavy objects by increasing the distance travelled. Chocking a wedge under a rock with a sledge hammer will eventually move most stubborn boulders, by applying a large force over a short distance. Decreasing the angle of the plane increases the mechanical advantage, while also increasing the distance the object has to travel. The same amount of work is done, but it makes what could be a difficult task easier.

The inclined plane as a ramp

Inclined planes, commonly called ramps, are seen at the entrances to buildings, where a driveway crosses a footpath or as a pathway up a steep slope. Ramps are easier to walk up than steps, and the gentle continuous slope provides easier access for wheelchairs and prams. It's also easier to load heavy objects into a truck for example by leaning a plank from the ground to the back of the truck.

A child's slide is an inclined plane too

In a child's slide the force is controlled in a different way to the plank leaning against the back of a truck. If the child fell from the top of the slide then the force on landing could cause injury. By increasing the distance the child travels, the force is reduced.

Effort versus load
Look at this ramp.

Pushing the load up the ramp means that it moves along a distance that is double the vertical height. The payoff is that the effort required is only half that needed to lift the load vertically the same distance.

The general rule is that a less steep slope means that the object moves further, but the effort is less. The ratio of vertical height to slope distance is equal to the proportional effort needed.

If, in the illustration above, the slope is reduced so that the slope distance is 3 metres, then the effort required is one third of that needed to raise the object vertically.



Average velocity: Average velocity is defined as the half of the sum of initial velocity and final velocity for a given time period.

    A =$\frac{\rm{u+v}}{2}$


Inertia: It is property of the body by the virtue in which body is unable to change its state of rest or uniform motion unless it is acted upon by the some external force.


The rate of change of velocity with a time is called acceleration.

 It is given by a =$\frac{\rm{v-u}}{t}$



Scalar quantity

Vector quantity

It has only magnitude but no direction.

The sum of the scalar quantities is always positive.

 e.g. Speed

It has both magnitude and direction.

The sum of the vector quantities may be positive, zero or negative.

   e.g. Velocity




The distance travelled by the body irrespective of direction is called distance.

It is scalar quantity.

The shortest distance travelled between two points in a specific direction.

It is vector quantity.


Uniform velocity

Non- uniform velocity

If the  body travels equal  distance in equal interval of time

The velocity is same throughout the  motion.

If the body travels unequal  distance in equal interval of time.

The velocity throughout the  motion is different 




The distance travelled by the body in a unit time is called speed.

Speed is a scalar quantity.

The total displacement covered by the body in unit time is called velocity.

Velocity is a vector quantity.


Inertia depends on the mass,shape and the nature of the surface of contact. Greater the inertia greater will be the mass.


Let us consider a body starts with initial velocity u at some point A and it reaches to the point B with a final velocity v after time t.

Then average velocity =  $\frac{{\rm{u+v}{2}

Distanced covered(s) = average velocity * time taken

                                    =$\frac{\rm{u+v}}{2}$ * t

                                    =$\frac{\rm{u+u+at}}{2}$    * t

                                      =$\frac{\rm{2u+at}}{2}$ *t


                                  s=ut +$\frac{1}{2}$at2



Newton‘s   First law of motion states that “Everybody continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted upon by the external force”.  Newton’s first law is also called law of inertia because inertia is also defined as the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or a uniform motion unless it is acted upon by some external force.


Newton’s third law of motion states that “To the every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”.



When we shake the branches of tree, the tree comes in motion while the fruit tends to remain at rest due to inertia of rest and the fruits fall.


A swimmer pushes water backward because when he does so (action) a reaction offered by the water pushes him forward and he can swim.


 As F = ma  =m(v-u)/t  and m(v – u) is constant  gives F∝1/t . When he moves his hand backward, time taken by the ball to come at rest increases, due to which less force is exerted on the hand of cricketer


It is because when a person is getting out of the moving bus, his feet come to rest while his upper part of the body continues to be in motion along with the bus and he falls in forward direction .so, to avoid the injury a person has to run in the direction of bus over some distance.


When the bus suddenly stops, the passengers falls forward because the lower part of the body which is in contact with the floor of the bus comes in rest but the upper part of the body continues to be at motion due to inertia of motion.


When bullet is fired from the gun with a certain force, an equal on opposite force is exerted on the gun in backward direction. That’s why gun recoils when bullet is fired from gun.


 Truck has more mass than car.  Also, Ft  = m(v-u), both have same change in velocity and impulse depends on the mass of the body. Therefore, moving truck takes a much longer time to stop than that time taken by car when brakes applied to both.


When a person falls on the sand, the car when brakes are applied to both because and is carried along the direction of fall due to which time interval for which force acts increases and less force is exerted on feet but when a person falls on the concrete surface, time interval does not increase and he gets injured.


It is because running changes the inertia of motion of athletes which helps them to take a long jump.


When the blanket  is hit by the stick, blanket  moves  in forward direction while  dust particles in the blanket  tends to remain in the rest position due to inertia and particles falls off.


Newton‘s second law of motion states that “Acceleration produced on a body is directly proportional to applied force and inversely proportional to the mass”.

acceleration (a) ∝ force (F)…………….1

acceleration (a) ∝  mass (m)………………2

From 1 and 2

F∝ ma

F = kma…………….3 (Where k is the constant of proportionality) 

When a 1 unit force acts on a unit mass it produces the unit acceleration

i.e F=1unit  m=1unit  a= 1unit

If we put this value we get k= 1 unit

Now equation 3 becomes
F = ma

So, the second law of the motion gives the measure of the force.


When the air filled balloon is left with its mouth downwards and allowed air to escape which is an action, the air exerts the upward force on the balloon which is a reaction. So, due to the reaction force balloon moves in the upward direction.


They do not balance each other because action and reaction force doesn’t act on the same body .They always exist in pairs and act on two different bodies.


The rockets works on the principle of Newton’s third law of motion which states that “To the every action there is equal and opposite reaction”


a. AB is uniform

b. OA is increasing

c. BCD is decreasing

d. In AB acceleration is zero

  Body start to move at point O and stop at D



Mechanical advantage is the ratio of load to the effort.

M.A = $\frac{\rm{load}}{\rm{effort}}$

It has no unit.

Mechanical advantage of the machine is affected by the force of friction.


Ideal machine is a frictionless machine which has efficiency of 100% in which input energy is never wasted. The work done in the machine is called is called input work and the work done by the machine is called output work.


Velocity ratio of a lever is 3 means distance travelled by effort is 3 times the distance travelled by the load.   Efficiency of the pulley is 60% means 40% of the energy is lost in the machine due to the friction.


In order to make a simple machine more efficient we can reduce the friction by using the lubricating oil on the parts of machine and making the sliding surface smooth.                                                                                                                                                                                                             


Moment of the force may be defined as the product of the force and its perpendicular distance of the line of action from the axis of rotation.

Moment of force depends upon the perpendicular distance from the line of action of force from the axis of rotation and applied force.


(i) Moment of force = F * s

(ii) Moment of force = 0

(iii) Moment of force decreases


It states that “In the balanced condition the sum of the clockwise moment acting on it is equal to the sum of anti clockwise moment on it”.


In single fixed pulley load and effort are equal so there is no mechanical advantage .It is used to change the direction of effort.



The value of V.R is greater than the value of mechanical advantage because V.R of the machine doesn’t depend upon the friction while mechanical advantage of the machine depends on the friction existing on the various parts of the machine and friction reduces the mechanical advantage.


Efficiency of machine is never 100% because there is always force of friction existing on the various parts which reduces the efficiency of machine.


Input work is always greater than output work because a part of input work is wasted in overcoming the friction due to which efficiency of machine is decreased.


Because in tall trees perpendicular distance from the line of action of rotation is more which produces more turning effect of force by the wind on the tall trees.


It is because long spanners produce the more turning effect due to the longer distance between fulcrum and line of the action of force.


As we proceed towards the tip of the branch the probability of breaking the tree is higher because the perpendicular distance of the line of action from the axis of rotation increases as a result moment of force also increases.


It is because long spanners produce the more turning effect due to the longer distance between fulcrum and line of the action of force.


Because in three pulley system there are three segments of rope supporting the load


It is called continuous lever because the load and effort vary continuously for 3600 on the circumference of the wheel and axle.


Because in the case of block and arrangement, M.A is directly proportional to the number of pulley used.



Yes, we can balance the lever with 12 more coins of equal mass.

Let, m is the mass of each coin. P be the position of 12 coins on right

To balance the lever,

6*4 = 12* p

 p = 2 unit

12 coins should be kept at 2 unit to the right.


To get balance additional 6 coins should be kept at q distance.

6*4 = 3*4 +6*q

∴ p = 2 unit


Wheel and axle:

They are used in pedals of bicycle, door knob, sewing machine etc.

It is used to draw water from well.


It is used in heavy machines.

It is used to lift the heavy loads.

Inclined plane:

It is used to lift the heavy loads.

 It is used in roller coaster, bath tub, boat propeller, parking ramp etc


The length of the inclined plane should be increased to lift the same load by applying the less effort.

Why is less effort needed to lift a load over an inclined plane?

Hence we can say that less effort is required to lift a load over an individual plane because mechanical advantage increases.

How does an inclined plane reduce effort force?

Inclined planes make it easier to move objects to a higher elevation. The sloping surface of the inclined plane supports part of the weight of the object as it moves up the slope. As a result, it takes less force to move the object uphill.

How does an inclined plane affect the effort needed to move a load vertically?

Pushing the load up the ramp means that it moves along a distance that is double the vertical height. The payoff is that the effort required is only half that needed to lift the load vertically the same distance. The general rule is that a less steep slope means that the object moves further, but the effort is less.

How does an inclined plane affect the work that is done on an object?

An inclined plane produces a mechanical advantage to decrease the amount of force needed to move an object to a certain height; it also increases the distance the object must move.


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