What according to your textbook is the term for anything that impedes the communication of a message

  • School Middle East University (Lebanon)
  • Course Title GENERAL COMM211
  • Pages 8
  • Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful

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11.What, according to your textbook, is the term for anything that impedes the communicationof a message?a.divergenceb.blockagec.distractiond.avoidancee.interference

12.Recognizing that the audience for his graduation speech would be packed into a non-air-conditioned gymnasium during the hottest week of the year, Kane decided to keep hisspeech at the low end of his 10-to-15-minute time limit. In making this decision, Kane wasadapting to which element of the speech communication process?

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13.Public speakers who seek to communicate with listeners from cultures other than their ownneed to take special care to avoid __________ in their speeches.

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14.As a public speaker, you face ethical issues when

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e.a and b only.15.In public speaking, sound ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of actionagainsta.the frame of reference of the audience.b.a set of ethical guidelines or standards.c.the speaker’s strategic objectives.d.a socially accepted code of legal rules.e.the personal opinions of the speaker.

16.All of the following are presented in your textbook as guidelines for ethical speechmakingexcept

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17.For his informative speech, Douglas told his classmates how to get free food at a drive-through restaurant. Rather than focusing on legitimate deals, such as student discounts orcoupons, Douglas talked about ways to trick employees into believing you had already paidfor food when you had not. His instructor gave the speech a poor grade because it violatedthe ethical criteria for public speaking presented in your textbook. The guideline Douglasviolated was:

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18.The three kinds of plagiarism discussed in your textbook are

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Public speaker, Speaking fee

Is the term for anything that impedes the communication of a message?

Interference is anything the impedes the communication of a message. 1. Interference can be either external or internal.

How's your textbook explains the means by which a message is communicated is termed the?

As your textbook explains, the speaker's message consists only of what the speaker says with language. The channel is the room in which speech communication takes place. The channel is the means by which a message is communicated.

What is the term given to anything which disrupts the communication process?

Noise- anything that disrupts, interrupts, or interferes with the communication process.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with speech anxiety?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches? Concentrate on communicating with the audience, rather than your nerves. Choose a topic you care about and prepare thoroughly for the speech.


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