\the lands to the west are ripe for the taking, as their only occupants are savages and foreign nationals.\

Sophia PathwaysU.S. History 1 – Milestone 4You passed this Milestone12questions were answeredcorrectly.3questions were answeredincorrectly.1.Which element of Manifest Destiny is reflected in the following statement?"The lands to the west are ripe for the taking, as their only occupants are savages and foreign nationals."RepublicanismWhite supremacySafety valveDivine mission

CONCEPTManifest Destiny2.Which of the following was an advantage for the Union in the Civil War?

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CONCEPTThe Civil War3.Choose the combination of words that correctly completes this sentence:"In 1856, the caning of ________ in the Senate chamber, in response to his antislavery speech, deepenedsectional divisions that, two years earlier, led to the creation of a new political coalition called the ________."

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Which statement best reflects the mission of the American Colonization Society?

Which statement best reflects the mission of the American Colonization Society? "The goal of our movement is to return freed slaves to their African homeland."

Which of the following statements best represents Abraham Lincoln's experience and views on slavery prior to the Civil War?

Which of the following statements best represents Abraham Lincoln's experience of and views on slavery prior to the Civil War? "I oppose the spread of slavery into the West, but the Constitution has no authority to interfere with slavery where it already exists."

Which statement best reflects the approach of abolitionist ending slavery?

Which statement best reflects the approach of abolitionists to ending slavery? We appeal to the conscience of all Americans to protect the country's soul by ending slavery."

Which of the following events resulted in Western lands being given away for a nominal fee?

The Homestead Act encouraged western migration by providing settlers with 160 acres of land in exchange for a nominal filing fee.


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