Quem era Os Excluídos mencionado no texto?

Dictionary Portuguese-English

External sources (not reviewed)

Foramexclu�dos aquelescom tempo de perman�ncia menor que 2 dias.



Patients with less than a 2 days length of stay were excluded.



O estudo se desenvolveu em

[...] pacientes coronarianos, n�o sendoexclu�dos aquelesportadores de diabetes mellitus.



The study was performed in

[...] coronary patients and those with diabetes mellitus were not excluded.



Como foi mencionado no paragrafo 8.5, s� os processos que requerem temperaturas adequadas para a


absor��o de sistemas de refrigera��o ser�o

[...] considerados, sendoexclu�dos aquelesque operam a temperaturas [...]

muito baixas (<7�C).



As mentioned in paragraph 8.5, only processes requiring temperatures


suitable for absorption cooling systems will

[...] be considered here, excluding the ones operating [...]

at very low temperatures (<7�C).



Quanto aos indiv�duos h�gidos, foramexclu�dos aquelescom sintomas respirat�rios nos 30 dias que precederam � inclus�o no estudo, com [...]

pneumopatia cr�nica, claustrofobia


ou instabilidade hemodin�mica.



Regarding the

[...] healthy subjects, those with respiratory symptoms 30 days prior to inclusion in the study were excluded, as were those with chronic lung [...]

disease, those with


claustrophobia, and those with hemodynamic instability.



Foramexclu�dos aquelesreinternados.



Those who were readmitted were excluded.



Foramexclu�dos aquelesportadores de DPOC com instabilidade [...]

hemodin�mica, sinais cl�nicos de exacerba��o aguda, com uso


de via a�rea artificial ou que n�o tolerassem o uso da m�scara de EPAP.



The COPD patients with hemodynamic


instability or clinical signs of

[...] acute exacerbation were excluded, as were those with an [...]

artificial airway and those who did not tolerate the EPAP mask.



Este novo comportamento gera depend�ncias entre os Schedulers,

[...] portanto apenas poder�o serexclu�dos aquelesque n�o possuam depend�ncias.



This new behaviour generates dependencies between Schedulers,

[...] therefore, only those that don't have dependencies will be removed.



Est�o, assim,exclu�dostodosaquelesque vivem aqui [...]




It thus excludes all those living here illegally.



Al�m disso, � poss�vel definir os

[...] empregados que devem serexclu�dosouaquelescom outras aloca��es [...]

que podem ser inclu�dos na sele��o.



Furthermore, you can specify the

[...] employees who should be excluded, or those employees assigned [...]

elsewhere who can be included in the selection.



Insto a que se encontre uma forma de estabelecer um mecanismo de financiamento s�rio e


est�vel para estas

[...] organiza��es, que representam os pobres, osexclu�doseaquelesque s�o discriminados, pelo menos para [...]

que n�o tenham que


debater�se todos os anos com a procura de fundos, perguntando�se se sobreviver�o e se poder�o efectuar o trabalho que � o motivo da sua exist�ncia.



I would urge that we find a way of establishing a serious


and reliable funding

[...] mechanism for those organisations that represent the poor, the excluded and the discriminated [...]

against at least, so


that they are not scrabbling for funds every year, wondering if they are going to survive so they can do the job they exist to do.



Os habitantes foramexclu�dos;somenteaquelesque se podem dar o luxo [...]

de pagar podem entrar no para�so.



The inhabitants were shut out; only those who could afford to pay were permitted [...]


o enter heaven.



Bar�gramos gravados mais tarde no logbook

[...] n�o podem serexclu�dosantes queaquelesgravados anteriormente tenham sidoexclu�dos.


Barograms recorded

[...] later in the logbook cannot be deleted before those recorded earlier have been deleted.


A CoAo era localizada na aorta descendente ap�s a emerg�ncia da art�ria


subcl�via esquerda em

[...] todos os casos, sendoexclu�dosdeste estudoaquelescom estenose ou coarcta��o [...]

de arco a�rtico ou aorta abdominal.


The aortic coarctation was located in the descending aorta after the emergence of


the left subclavian

[...] artery in all cases, being excluded from this study those presenting stenosis or [...]

coarctation of aortic arch or abdominal aorta.


Do mesmo modo como Marcelino Champagnat pensava nas crian�as e nos jovens menos favorecidos, ao fundar os


Irm�os Maristas, a

[...] nossa prefer�ncia deve ser pelosexclu�dosda sociedade e poraquelesque, por causa da sua pobreza [...]

material, n�o t�m acesso


� sa�de, a uma vida familiar equilibrada, � escolariza��o e � educa��o nos valores.


In the same way that Marcellin was thinking especially of the least favoured of young people in founding the


Marist Brothers, our

[...] preference is to be with those who are excluded from the mainstream of society, and those whose material [...]

poverty leads them to


be deprived also in relation to health, family life, schooling, and education in values.


Mas a �gua da vida estexclu�daparaaquelesque n�o t�m este desejo.


But the water of life is excluded from those who do not have this desire.


Para efeitos de apresenta��o da informa��o por

[...] regi�es foramexclu�dosdos resultados operacionais de cada regi�o do Grupoaquelesgastos e receitas [...]

derivados dos faturamentos


entre companhias do Grupo pelo uso da marca e contratos de gest�o, e que n�o t�m impacto nos resultados consolidados do Grupo.


For the purpose of presenting information on a


regional basis,

[...] revenue and expense resulting from intra-group invoicing for use of the brand and management contracts [...]

which do not have


an impact on consolidated results have been excluded from the operating results for each Group region.


Territ�riosExclu�dos"significar� todosaquelesterrit�rios cujas [...]

legisla��es nacionais pro�bam aos seus cidad�os o acesso


aos Produtos online, segundo determine em cada momento de boa f� o Provedor


Excluded Territories" are all those countries where national law [...]

prohibits online products to its citizens, according to the good faith of Supplier.


Mas, enfim, esta cimeira tem um m�rito fundamental: tra�ar, ap�s Cardiff e o Luxemburgo, uma vontade pol�tica em benef�cio de uma maior coes�o social, e nomeadamente dos 57 milh�es de pessoas que vivem em situa��o de pobreza no nosso territ�rio, entre as quais as m�es sozinhas, as fam�lias numerosas e as


crian�as, aos quais se

[...] juntar�o, amanh�, outrosexclu�dos,tais como aquelaseaquelesque n�o ter�o acesso [...]

aos novos campos de


conhecimentos, provocando, por conseguinte, novos desequil�brios sociais.


But, when all is said and done, this summit will have a major benefit - that of outlining, in the wake of Cardiff and Luxembourg, a political desire for greater social cohesion, particularly as regards the 57 million people who are living in a state of poverty within the Union, including single mothers, large families and children, and whose


numbers will in the future

[...] be swelled by other outcasts from society, specifically those people who [...]

will not have access to


new areas of knowledge, since this will engender new social imbalances.


O Livro Verde estabelece que o acesso aos benef�cios da Sociedade da Informa��o deve ser assegurado sem discrimina��es, sendo necess�rio aceitar a responsabilidade social para com os cidad�os que, por raz�es


de natureza diversa, requerem

[...] considera��o especial para n�o ficaremexclu�dosdos benef�cios queaquelapode oferecer.


The Green Paper sets out that access to the benefits of the information society should be guaranteed without any form of discrimination. Social responsibility should be assumed for citizens who, for many different


reasons, require special consideration

[...] if they are not to be excluded from the benefits that the information society can offer.


Aquelesque foremexclu�dosdo mart�rio, traindo a Deus, tamb�m ser�o exclu�dos do C�u e cair�o [...]

no inferno do Hades juntamente com Satan�s.


Those who are excluded from martyrdom by betraying Him will also be excluded from Heaven, and [...]

fall into the hell of Hades along with Satan.


que a aprendizagem de l�nguas pode ser uma janela para

[...] o mundo paraaquelesque se sentemexclu�dospsicol�gica, [...]

social ou geograficamente


that language learning can be a

[...] window onto the world for those experiencing psychological, [...]

social or geographic exclusion


Consequentemente, os acordos entre clubes profissionais ou


as decis�es das respectivas associa��es

[...] que visem, efectivamente, atingiraquelesdois objectivos poderiam serexclu�dos.


Consequently, it is likely that agreements between


professional clubs or decisions by their

[...] associations that are really designed to achieve these two objectives would be exempted.


Consideramos positivo o facto de passarem a estar


abrangidos pela directiva relativa ao

[...] tempo de trabalhoaquelestrabalhadores que at� agora estavamexclu�dosda mesma.


We think it is a good idea that those employees who have not to date been covered [...]

by the Working Time Directive should now be so.


A Conven��o de Bruxelas de 1968 abrange todos os


dom�nios do direito civil e

[...] comercial, exceptoaquelesque est�o expressamenteexclu�dosda sua aplica��o e [...]

se encontram limitativamente


enumerados neste texto: o estado e a capacidade das pessoas singulares, os regimes matrimoniais, os testamentos e as sucess�es; as fal�ncias; a seguran�a social; a arbitragem.


The 1968 Brussels Convention covers all the


areas of civil and

[...] commercial law, except those which are expressly excluded from its application, [...]

and which are listed restrictively


in that text: the status or legal capacity of natural persons, rights in property arising out of a matrimonial relationship, wills and succession, bankruptcy, social security and arbitration.


Hoje, o M�xico e a sua democracia s�o uma �rvore frondosa e forte, cuja sombra


protege todas e todos,

[...] em particularaquelesque tradicionalmente eram marginalizadoseexclu�dos:as crian�as, [...]

as mulheres, os ind�genas.


It welcomes us all

[...] into its shade, especially those previously sidelined and excluded: children, women and the [...]

indigenous peoples.


Por este motivo,aquelescorantes devem serexclu�dosda Parte 1 do [...]

anexo IV da Directiva 76/768/CEE.


Those colorants should therefore be excluded from Part 1 of Annex [...]

IV to Directive 76/768/EEC.


3.2.8 O CESE considera que a epigrafe do art. 8.o deveria ser substitu�da pela express�o �Car�cter injuntivo dos direitos�, dado que a �ratio legis� n�o tem por objectivo estabelecer a


imperatividade da Directiva, mas

[...] antes proibir queaquelesdireitos sejamexclu�dosou restringidos, independentemente [...]

da legisla��o aplic�vel.


3.2.8 The EESC considers that the heading of Article 8 should be replaced by the phrase 'mandatory nature of the rights' given that the purpose of this article is not to establish the


imperative nature of the directive

[...] but to ensure that those rights are not excluded or restricted, irrespective [...]

of which legislation applies.



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